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Frequently Asked Questions.

Please find below some of the more common questions we get asked once your book is created and the files are ready for upload.


Amazon KDP 


As a self-publisher, you will need to set up an Amazon KDP account if you decide to use this method of publishing. Amazon only works with paperback titles. This is a fairly easy process and shouldn't take you too long to set it up. Once this is set up, this is now your shop window where your books can be sold. 

Once the book is live (It can take up to 72 hours to be approved by Amazon once uploaded and approved by you), you will have a sales link that you will use to market the book on your social media pages and author groups. Your customer will be able to purchase the book via this sales link. Once purchased Amazon will print the book and send it directly to your customer. 


Amazon will pay you royalties (depending on which sales set-up you choose).


It's usually 40% once costs have been retained by Amazon for print and delivery. These royalties are paid directly to you in your chosen bank account designated during your set-up. 


There are a few choices that Amazon offers you for sales. These include standard and expanded. It’s advisable to research which one suits you and your needs the most.


More info can be found here.


There is also an Amazon Community that you can join through your KDP set-up where you can find lots of topics and help on self-publishing through Amazon.




As with Amazon, Ingramspark offers you the chance to self-publish and print your books. They provide Hardback copies as well as Paperback. 


We advise you to thoroughly research Ingramspark to make sure it is the right route for you. 


Traditional Printing Methods: If you wish to use a traditional printer for your book it is always advisable to research printers from your local area as costs and print times may vary from printer to printer.

We have no affiliation with the following companies, however, based on experience these companies are worth looking into.


UK we recommend CLOC Printing 




Chinese Market (Large orders)




The ISBN question is one we get asked the most. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique product identifier for books and related material. Whilst it is not a legal requirement to allocate ISBNs to your books, it is used by publishers, booksellers, and libraries for ordering, listing, and stock control purposes. It enables them to identify a particular publisher and allows the publisher to identify a specific edition of a specific title in a specific format within their output. Systems used by publishers, booksellers, and libraries all rely on the ISBN to identify books ensuring they select and stock the correct title and edition. 


As you are self-publishing you have a range of options to choose from.


Amazon- Free ISBN.

This Free ISBN can only be used via the Amazon Marketplace and cannot be sold through other channels. You can also purchase an ISBN for your paperback title if you wish and this can be added to your book. This enables the paperback to be sold via other channels and printing methods as well as Amazon.


ISBN Purchase.

You will need to purchase a separate ISBN for either Paperback or Hardback versions of your title and supply to us for addition to the book for any printing or publishing aside from the FREE ISBN that Amazon provides. 


ISBN Information and Purchase-











How will books get printed, and where will they go to be available for purchase?

You would be self-publishing the work.

The two leading platforms are Amazon KDP and Ingramspark.


What if I receive an offer to take what I have elsewhere for a second book?

Once we finish the book and you pay the final invoice, the rights are yours, and you can do what you want with the files. If you want to go elsewhere for a second book, that's fine. We don't hold you to anything.

However, if you want to use the same illustrator for book 2, you must come to us. We find that repeat business is a massive part of our turnover, and we build up a great rapport with all our clients and treat them as our family so they don’t feel the need to go elsewhere. 


How much say do I have in the design?

When you start working with us, you are brought into our online project management setup, where you will work directly with our production team, enjoying full access and overseeing your book's development 24/7 with your illustrator and project manager. It's a very hands-on experience. 


Do I get to pick an illustrator to work with?

Yes, we have a huge team, so before we start, we ask you to provide us with some illustration styles that you like. Then, based on those, we will find the best fit from our illustration team and send you options.


Can I work with the same Illustrator for a future book or other projects with your company?

Yes, generally, with other titles, if the characters and story are directly followed from your previous it's best to use the same illustrator for the same style to keep everything as uniform as possible. We have no control if the illustrator is taken ill and can't carry on working, etc. However, if that happens, we can find alternative options from a similar style artist. 


How much will my manuscript change?

We will know once it's been reviewed by our editing team. We provide non-biased, honest feedback on all manuscripts we receive and will let you know if it needs any work. 


Will someone check to see if there are similar storylines or titles?

No, we don't do that. We trust that the author has done their due diligence on the subject and the story before writing. 


Will someone check my manuscript and let me know if it’s too long or too short and check the vocabulary to ensure it fits a children’s book for elementary students?

Yes, that would form part of the editing service that we have. 


Is there a separate fee for printing or illustration, or is everything included upfront?

We are not printers. You are self-publishing your book.

Please refer back to the links above on which platforms are most popular for self-publishing. 


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Office: Unit 3 Valley Way, Pant Industrial Estate, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, CF48 2SR

Registered in the UK: 11431416 ©2018 by Bearwithusproductions.

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